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Product update

Inventory Locking is now live!

Nick avatar
Shared by Nick • March 27, 2024

Hello there,

This week we pushed an update that introduces the concept of inventory locking.

When you submit an inventory count, you now have a window of 45 days to make changes and add all data for the inventory period (invoices, etc.) This window can be adjusted in the Venue Settings.

As part of this update:

  • any inventory taken more than 45 days ago is now locked
  • any inventory taken in the last 45 days is scheduled to lock 45 days from the date it was submitted

This change is part of our product roadmap to provide improved dashboard reporting. In the near future you'll begin to see new reports on the web.

Note: Our team has performed extensive testing on this feature, but if you encounter any issues please contact [email protected] or reach out in the chat.